سيفتى سور(سائل/بودر)
42.00EGP – 615.00EGP
– تركيبة كميائية مركزة عالية الجودة و الفاعلية لقاطع الصابون فهو بودر حمضي سريع المفعول يستعمل لدورة الشطف النهائي ببرنامج الغسيل.
– سيفتى ساور يعمل علي تفادى اصفرار المنسوجات و يعادل قلوية النسيج وبهذا يمنع حدوث اللون الرمادي الناتج عن ترسيب بواقي الصابون او الاملاح القلوية بالنسيج.
Size |
1 kg, 1 liter, 10 kg, 20 liter, 3 kg, 5 liter |
Category: Washing
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Shipping and delivery
- Please read the product description well.
- In the event that the order has been confirmed and shipped, it cannot be modified.
- It is preferable to provide a WhatsApp number for easy communication
- It is preferable to put a detailed and clear address (province - region - a street name - building number - apartment floor - sign) for the speedy delivery of the order.
- If there are any shipping instructions, please clarify them in the notes when making the order.
- In the event that you order more than one order at the same address, please contact customer service to ship them in one shipment before completing the shipping process, otherwise each order will be shipped separately with new shipping charges.
- Most of the time, if the data is complete, the order is shipped directly without contacting the customer.
- In the event of making a wrong order / requesting a modification to the order, please contact customer service before shipping the order.
- All orders are delivered closed, in order to preserve the products and ensure the highest quality. In the event of any problem with the order, contact customer service and we will assist you.
- Delivery takes place within 2 5 working days from the date of the request, excluding weekly and official holidays.
- The customer is contacted by customer service 3 times on 3 different days. In the event of no response, the order is canceled and returned to the Sitra headquarters again.

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